Tuesday, February 22, 2022

Abortion / Keguguran

Abortion / Keguguran

Habitual abortion at the third month or later, unusual bleeding during pregnancy or at later stage, i.e. fifth or seven months. The flow is bright red and clotted..e. habitual abortion, pain in small back and genitals with discharge of dark red blood. Dr Bansal V.P. MBBS, MD., M.F.Hom (M’sia) suggest ‘Sepia’ For ‘ Threatened abortion’ to be follow up by ‘Pulsatilla’

Dr K.T. Charterjee from Jamshedpur, India prefers ‘Sabina’ for every second or third month of abortion.

In Abortion homeopathic medication and acupuncture is considered as the best choice for fast relief.

Acupuncture Treatment:

After Effect of Abortion: From Stomach Channel: St 25, 26, 27, 28 and 30
From Urinary Bladder: UB 24, 25 and 26, 31, 32, 33

Consequences of abortion

· Pain fly across from side to side doubling the patient up, a powerful restrainer of abortion ‘ Cimicfuga’ says Dr A.K. Seth
· Weakness of back, legs and eyes Dr Fairuz prefer ‘Kali Carb’
· For retained placenta , ‘ Sepia’
· For expulsion of foetus ‘ Coffea, Puls or Secale’
· False labour ‘ Caulophyllum’ says Dr P.K. Velappan.

Homeopathic medicine and acupuncture moxibustion are wonderful both for preventive and curative of abortion / miscarriage.

Bahasa Melayu: Keguguran habitual atau keguguran spontan amat baik digunakan ubat-ubat homeopati dari dalam dan rawatan akupunktur mosibusi dari luar. Jika keguguran tidak sempurna ubat-ubat homeopati memang handal. Oleh itu jika digunakan kombinasi kedua rawatan alternatif ini, kesihatan anda akan terus terjamin sihat dan aman.


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